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Hi, as you know facebook become a large part of our social life, gives you an opportunity to check if your Likes will be liked. Or if you want a great facebook likes ideas here is the place that everyone shares it. When you will connect the site using facebook login button you could update your status in a click and add some likes of your own.

That awkward moment facebook statuses

Hi, We recommend you to Login to the site, people who login using facebook can update their status in a click, and suggest new original statuses to the site .
That awkward moment when you`re running and your boobs are bouncing.... And you`re a guy.
Status By: anonymous
That awkward moment when you know something but you don`t know how to explain it.
Status By: anonymous
The awkward moment when your foot falls asleep so you just stomp around like a dinosaur.
Status By: anonymous
That awkward spot that the windshield wipers never reach....
Status By: anonymous
That awkward little dance your fingers make when you don`t know how to reply to a text.
Status By: anonymous
That awkward moment when you accidentally use a ;) instead of a :) and it makes the whole conversation sexual.
Status By: anonymous
That really awkward moment when someone is watching you take a picture of yourself.
Status By: anonymous
That awkward moment when you get out of the shower and you don`t have a towel.
Status By: anonymous
That awkward moment when your phone rings in a church. Even more awkward when your ringtone is Judas by Lady Gaga.
Status By: anonymous
The awkward moment when you accept a compliment that wasn`t meant for you.
Status By: anonymous

StatusBook is a fan site and is not affiliated with Facebook in any way. we here to bring you the best quotes and statuses for facebook :) so if you like what we do please share on your facebook status .

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