You can connect to the site using facebook to add statuses and make them yours in a click. facebook login

Hi, as you know facebook become a large part of our social life, gives you an opportunity to check if your Likes will be liked. Or if you want a great facebook likes ideas here is the place that everyone shares it. When you will connect the site using facebook login button you could update your status in a click and add some likes of your own.

Facebook statuses

Hi, We recommend you to Login to the site, people who login using facebook can update their status in a click, and suggest new original statuses to the site .
LIKE IF:Saying, "DUDE..." before saying something important to a friend
Status By: anonymous
Is everything expensive or am I just that poor?
Status By: anonymous
I hate being tired in school and thinking "I`m going to take a nap as soon as I get home" and then when I get home I`m not tired anymore.
Status By: anonymous
Nobody wants to hear this, but sometimes…the person you want most is the person you`re best without.
Status By: anonymous
That awkward moment when I`m really drunk and you`re still ugly.
Status By: anonymous
In a parallel world: “wow that Nickelback concert was amazing” “Those crocs look so cute” “Wifi passwords are such a cool idea”
Status By: anonymous
LIKE IF you love it when a baby holds your one finger.
Status By: anonymous
“I`M A GANGSTAH!!!” Hah, no. You`re an asshole who doesn`t know what a belt is.
Status By: anonymous
We aren`t dating, but when I see someone else flirting with you, I just wanna punch them in the face...
Status By: anonymous
I don`t like that tone of voice you`re texting me in.
Status By: anonymous

StatusBook is a fan site and is not affiliated with Facebook in any way. we here to bring you the best quotes and statuses for facebook :) so if you like what we do please share on your facebook status .

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