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Hi, as you know facebook become a large part of our social life, gives you an opportunity to check if your Likes will be liked. Or if you want a great facebook likes ideas here is the place that everyone shares it. When you will connect the site using facebook login button you could update your status in a click and add some likes of your own.

Facebook statuses

Hi, We recommend you to Login to the site, people who login using facebook can update their status in a click, and suggest new original statuses to the site .
Remove unpleasant odor in smelly shoes or gymbags by placing dry tea bags in them.
Status By: anonymous
Ask Siri, "is this the Krusty Krab?"
Status By: anonymous
It`s actually better to take a test on an empty stomach. Hunger makes you better able to focus.
Status By: anonymous
Physical touch makes you healthier. Studies show that massages, hugs, and hand holding reduce stress and boost the immune system.
Status By: anonymous
Confusing Wikipedia article? Click "Simple English" on the left list of languages and it`ll whisk you to a simplified version.
Status By: anonymous
If you`re lazy, efficient, busy or don`t own an ironing board, throw your wrinkled clothes in the dryer for 30 minutes with a wet sock.
Status By: anonymous
Honey is the only food that will not rot. A jar of honey may remain edible for over 3000 years.
Status By: anonymous
Oh yeah, I remember." Definition: I don`t really remember, but I want you to shut up already.
Status By: anonymous
"Awww thanks"
Definition: Welcome to the friendzone, I hope you enjoy your stay.
Status By: anonymous
Definition: #tweeting ya feelings over twitter which nobody gives a fuck about.
Status By: anonymous

StatusBook is a fan site and is not affiliated with Facebook in any way. we here to bring you the best quotes and statuses for facebook :) so if you like what we do please share on your facebook status .

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