Hi, as you know facebook become a large part of our social life, statusbook.net gives you an opportunity to check if your Likes will be liked. Or if you want a great facebook likes ideas here is the place that everyone shares it. When you will connect the site using facebook login button you could update your status in a click and add some likes of your own.
Facebook statuses
Hi, We recommend you to Login to the site, people who login using facebook can update their status in a click, and suggest new original statuses to the site .
If history repeats itself, I really want a pet dinosaur.
Status By: anonymous
No teacher, I don`t know the answer, that`s why my hand wasn`t raised.
Status By: anonymous
Friday. My second favorite F word.
Status By: anonymous
LIKE IF YOU sing too much for someone who can`t sing.
Status By: anonymous
Why is it called stealing when YOUR Wi-FIi signal is trespassing in my freaking house!
Status By: anonymous
If you are talking behind my back, you`re in a good position to kiss my ass.
Status By: anonymous
REMINDER!! The end of yoga pants season is approaching!
Status By: anonymous
Wish school started at like... never.
Status By: anonymous
My mom asked me if my friends brother still has down syndrome.. no mom he walked it off.
Status By: anonymous
I hate songs that are like 75% bad but the chorus is so good that you suffer through the whole song just to hear one part like three times.
StatusBook is a fan site and is not affiliated with Facebook in any way. we here to bring you the best quotes and statuses for facebook :) so if you like what we do please share on your facebook status . Terms of use | Privacy