You can connect to the site using facebook to add statuses and make them yours in a click. facebook login

Hi, as you know facebook become a large part of our social life, gives you an opportunity to check if your Likes will be liked. Or if you want a great facebook likes ideas here is the place that everyone shares it. When you will connect the site using facebook login button you could update your status in a click and add some likes of your own.

Facebook statuses

Hi, We recommend you to Login to the site, people who login using facebook can update their status in a click, and suggest new original statuses to the site .
I don’t have an attitude problem. If you have a problem with my attitude, that’s your problem, not mine.
Status By: anonymous
"The true definition of madness is repeating the same action, over and over, hoping for a different result." - Albert Einstein
Status By: anonymous
Remember when staying up late was actually exciting? Now it’s just life.
Status By: anonymous
There is a company that will turn your cremated ashes into a diamond which can be used by your loved ones.
Status By: anonymous
Writing down your worries before an exam can help clear your mind and boost your test scores.
Status By: anonymous
Best Relationship Status: . . I am not Single..... I am on Money Saving Mode.
Status By: anonymous
I automatically dislike anyone with my name because it feels like a competition and let’s be honest, your not winning that
Status By: anonymous
A moment of success is just the final page of a story. It holds very little meaning without knowing the rest of the story leading up to it.
Status By: anonymous
Sometimes it`s the person you least expect that becomes the one that you need the most.
Status By: anonymous
Don`t try to understand women.
Women understand women and they hate each other.
Status By: anonymous

StatusBook is a fan site and is not affiliated with Facebook in any way. we here to bring you the best quotes and statuses for facebook :) so if you like what we do please share on your facebook status .

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